Seatmap demo tool

You will need to use the Postman collection to log into the environment of your choosing (sandbox, production). Get the token value from calling the /seatmaps/access-ticket endpoint and copy it below. You will need to provide a valid schedule Id

Here you should copy the x-api-key for your account.
Here you should copy JwtToken for the user that is returned when calling the POST /accounts/users endpoint.
Select the environment you want to check. Make sure this is the same environment you use to generate your token.
Here you should copy the value returned in the ticket property when calling /seatmaps/access-ticket or step 2 in the postman collection.
A valid seatmapId should be unique to the seatmap and manifest. ex: 5c90f854d99e27e20d000001_f245241c-2cc8-40dc-86ca-57951a2a57fe_2022-12-08
In this example the Id is build using the routeId, the schedule and the schedule date.
It should be the index of the station you are boarding
It should be the index of the station that you are disembarkin (it should be higher that the From index value